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Crude oil prices mixed on Thursday (12.4.18)

Oil prices have escalated through the week but on Thursday prices have remained mixed.

On Thursday, closing crude values have mixed. WTI on NYME closed at $67.07/bbl; prices have increased by $0.25/bbl in compared to last closing prices. While Brent on Inter Continental Exchange decreased by $0.40/bbl in compared to last trading and was assessed around $72.02/bbl.
Oil markets remained tense on Thursday on concerns over a military escalation in Syria, although prices were some way off Wednesday's late-2014 highs as bulging U.S. supplies weighed. A trade dispute between the United States and China also kept markets on edge.

Crude oil prices settled at three-year highs amid ongoing expectations that geopolitical tensions in the Middle East could add a possible ‘fear premium’ to oil, while continued OPEC cuts supported sentiment.

If the U.S. does indeed launch missiles at Syria, this would heighten risk and likely at once push crude oil higher and depress equities further.