This week crude oil prices have followed volatile trend. on Thursday Global benchmark Brent crude extended losses ahead of Friday's meeting of the OPEC, where producers are expected to boost output.
On Thursday, closing crude values have plunged. WTI on NYME closed at $65.54/bbl; prices have decreased by $0.17/bbl in compared to last closing prices. While Brent on Inter Continental Exchange decreased by $1.69/bbl in compare to last closing price and was assessed around $73.05/bbl.
Today oil prices rose by more than 1 percent in early Asian trading, pushed up by uncertainty over whether OPEC would manage to agree a production increase at a meeting in Vienna later in the day.
Iran had been expected to oppose any rise in crude output, but it has now signalled it may support a small increase. As per report, presently oil market had now rebalanced and its aim was to prevent a shortage of crude in future that could squeeze the market.