Crude oil prices remained volatile for the current week. On Thursday oil prices decreased after slashing another 2016 high, as a strong dollar flashed profit-taking in crude futures by investors. Crude fell around 1% but still remained above $50 a barrel.
Today, in Asia crude oil prices fell in holiday-thinned trade and China shut, but conflict in Nigeria's oil production region offered some support.
Some analysts anticipate headwinds for oil in coming weeks as Canadian supplies return after last month's wildfires in Alberta's oil sands region and other oil imports grow to slow use in U.S. crude stockpiles.
On Thursday, closing crude values have plunged.WTI on NYME closed at $50.56/bbl, prices have decreased by $0.67/bbl in compared to last closing prices. While Brent on Inter Continental Exchange decreased by $ 0.56/bbl in compared to last trading and was assessed around $51.95/bbl.