Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd (GNFC) has shut down its plant at Dahej for an indefinite period post a gas leak incident. “In the morning on January 15, 2018, there has been a sudden leakage at TDI-II plant, Dahej, which called for plant shutdown at Dahej (Gujarat) However, as a matter of abundant precaution, management has decided to close the plant indefinitely,” GNFC said in a regulatory filing.
No damage has been reported in terms of property or any loss of life. It said the plant will be closed till the “root cause is thoroughly analysed, reviewed and necessary further safety measures to be taken are fully evaluated in addition to current safety precautions. GNFC said “this decision to close TDI-II Plant indefinitely is taken till the process of necessary preparations, putting in place further checks and balances and thorough evaluation is over.”In November 2016 too, the facility was shut down after a mechanical failure in a chemical reactor caused leakage of poisonous phosgene gas. The company restarted commercial operation in February last year, more than three months after being shut due to gas leak. Six people had died in the incident.