Toluene Weekly Report 04 Nov 2017
Weekly Price Trend: 30-10-2017 to 03-11-2017

- The above given graph focuses on the Toluene price trend for current week.
- This week prices have followed up trend. By the end of the week domestic prices were assessed at Rs 54/Kg for bulk quantity for Kandla and Rs 54/kg for Mumbai ports of India.
Booking Scenario

- This week domestic market price was assessed at Rs 54/kg for Kandla and Rs. 54/kg for Mumbai ports of India.
- CFR India prices were evaluated at USD 730/mt, prices have increased in compares to previous week.
- CFR China price of toluene were assessed at the level of USD 685/mt.
- FOB Korea prices were evaluated at USD 675/mt prices has increasedin compare to previous week.
- This week toluene prices have increased after the festive holiday demand sentiments have increased.
$1 = Rs. 64.55
Import Custom Ex. Rate USD/ INR: 65.40
Export Custom Ex. Rate USD/ INR: 64.70