Published on January 5, 2015
Ply wood and laminate manufacturers in India are facing huge difficulties in securing logs to maintain production. Recently log imports from Sarawak have augmented and this has eased the situation but the gradually mounting prices for Sarawak logs are undermining the profitability of Indian ply and laminate industry. The Indian Federation of plywood and Panel Industries has said survival of the plywood industry is at risk as log supplies become harder to secure and more expensive to impor ..
Published on January 5, 2015
For Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd (GSFC) the fall in the crude prices has come as a blessing as the prices of Benzene which is a derivative of crude oil have dropped, which is used to make the prime products of the company. However, as two-fifths of the revenues of the company come from the chemicals business, insulate will profit GSFC. In fact in the current fiscal year the company may report better earnings, as in the last fiscal year it had reported a drop of 34% in net p ..
Published on January 5, 2015
With the huge market potential and the growing preference, the market for adhesives and sealants is likely to witness considerable growth. Industry source said that in near future numbers of new opportunities are likely to grow up in this market. Increasing demand in the automotive market has increased focus on Adhesives and Sealants. Due to rise in Industrial activities this industry is showing steady growth for the Indian market. Adhesive market finds application in almost every manufacturing ..
Published on December 22, 2014
With heavy plunging of crude prices in last three months the raw material for making fibers including polyester, nylon and acrylic has also seen huge decline in the prices. Textile sector is also witnessing a strong demand in recent times. This sector is expected to grow by more than 20 percent in next two years. With motive of increasing production and exports government will organize the fourth edition of Technotex along with FICCI. With motive of improving the textile industry the government ..
Published on December 22, 2014
According to the researched report, the Indian cosmetic industry has seen rapid treads over the past few years. With the development of cosmetic industry in the country, there has been incursion of many international brands. Moreover the entry of more number of cosmetic brands in the Indian market has also been provoked by growing demand of branded products among people due to aggressive advertising strategies of players coupled with immense western influence. As per the industry experts, the d ..
Published on December 22, 2014
Paint industries are likely to gain indirectly through lower raw material costs as in the last six months crude oil prices have dropped more than 40%. Currently sharp fall in the prices of crude oil is giving positive impact to paint and coating producers as they are buying raw material at very lower prices. Industry Source said that owing to uncertain market condition buyers are not buying any material in bulk they are buying only need based material, as they have adopted wait and watch policy ..
Published on December 16, 2014
With every day crude prices reaching new lower levels, the prices for other downstream products has jolted down. Crude has tumbled 48% in this last six months. The other major concern of the industry is depreciation of Indian currency. Polyester market has been operating in sync with crude prices. Bearish demand sentiments continue to dominate the polyester industry. PTA is one of the intermediates of Polyester has decline significantly for this week. The biggest market of Polyester and other r ..
Published on December 16, 2014
During the month of November, 2014 Gujarat pharma market saw the highest growth rate at 22.4%, beating the industry growth rate. According to the researched report, in the last month the Gujarat pharma industry had grew by 22.4%, which was double the growth rate of the Indian pharmaceuticals market that had grew by 10.9%. However as per the industry experts, the growth rate of the industry in the 14 regions have outgrown as per a regio ..
Published on December 16, 2014
All the plywood and Laminate players reported that November was the most awful month ever witnessed in their market record. After Diwali sales target was at very down side and payment recovery was also very tough. For majority, honoring payment schedules were rare in business relationships. On account of high difficulty of hunch, all the manufacturers and traders are playing with the quality and processing without paying attention to norms and standard that will prove fatal for all if pro ..
Published on December 16, 2014
Market players said that recently demand for dyestuff industry is showing rapid intensification owing to brisk economic growth.Major dyes players are working for the ground-breaking product development to beat the competition in market. In order to capture market share and resorted to consolidations, they are working on, revitalize assets, expand sales network, and augment technology.To beat the competition manufacturers are looking for the mergers and acquisitions to expand their product offeri ..