Published on July 6, 2015
Plywood industry along with some other allied products has achieved the size of 30000 crore per annum. This remarkable growth over last few years has been an outcome of decision made by some major players and their hard work. All the distributors and retailers deserve equal credits as without their efforts plywood industry never have had this position.
As per the report plywood dealers are facing much challenge to earn more profit as they are not getting desired earning presently. Currently manufacturers and dealers are facing the problem of good profit margin with good volume as they are not doing proper work on future business model.
Presently the demand for plywood product is weak. It is operating around 50-60% of sales. The month of May and June was very dull with slow payment. Weak monsoon has made the situation tough for all the players.
Market players said that as per the analysis in the month of July and August demand prospects is anticipated to take a positive move. As the building material industry will see some movement and the central government will bring the smart city project , GST and land bill, this will work as magic for the plywood players for the near term expansion.