Published on May 27, 2014
The paint market has been increasing its share and worth on global scale. At present the paint market is estimated to be around 130 billion dollar. India accounts for around 15% of share in the global paint industry with China heading the market in consumption as well as production. Around 2.40/kg is the per capita consumption of paint in India. Latex is the category of paint which is gaining wide acceptance and popularity in the country as it is considered as architectural paints and coatings.
The paint industry is under constant environment surveillance. The environmental regulations are constantly pressurizing paint industry to focus on such products which are environment friendly and bio degradable. This in turn has put on demand for novel additives. The Asia Pacific region is expected is to account for 40% of the global demand for paint additives. Bringing variety and addition of vivid distinctiveness to the paint segment has the constant process in the paint industry. Every time manufacturer comes out with new addition like environmental friendly, water proof, longer durability and the most recent 3d paints. This in turn has explored for more innovation and novelty in the existing technology as well as the end products. Latex paints in India are segmented under the category of architectural paints. Year on year this category is improving and coming up with new products and has found niche segment for itself.
The chemical used in the paint industry basically are solvents used as thinners. Toluene one of such chemical has got wide usage as at present the chemical has abundant supply in the market and is available at lower costs. The other chemical like Mixed Xylene, C9 and N Hexane are dealt at higher costs.