Published on April 11, 2016
Presently plywood industry is growing but with slow rate of knot. Innovation and hard work to promoting high quality products should be appreciate by the laminate sector.
For the plywood industry use of phenol is very high and the sharp increase in the price of phenol in the month of February surprised the plywood makers and which created the worry situation in buying the material. All the manufacturers from the plywood industry badly hit by the high cost of the material and incurred losses in the production.
Market players said that in the month of April phenol prices will go down and most of the players have already booked their material for the current month. Indian phenol largely consumed by laminate and plywood industry.
Market players have said that after the slowdown the demand for plywood product has growing from tier II cities. Prices for plywood product are also escalating due to increase in the raw material prices. All the market players are positive for future outcomes and good profit margins. To achieve effective result they are planning for the effective marketing strategy, said by market analyst.