Textile Industry Round Up (19/10/15 to 24/10/15)

Published on October 26, 2015

India’s textiles sector is one of the oldest industries in Indian economy dating back several centuries. Recently Textile sector is one of the largest contributors to India’s exports with around 11% of total export. The textile industry is also labour intensive and is one of the largest employers. The industry realised export earning worth USD 41.4 billion in 2014-15, with increased of 5.4% as per the CTEPC.
Textile industry has classified into two broad sectors:-

  • Unorganised Sector-handloom, handicrafts and sericulture etc
  • Organised Sector- spinning, apparel and garment segment which apply modern machinery and techniques.

As per market report, The Government of India is expected to soon announce a new policy aims at creating 35 million new jobs by way of increased investments by foreign companies.

The Indian textile industry has the capacity to produce a wide variety of products suitable to different market segments, both within India and across the world. Future for Indian textile industry looks hopeful.

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